Episode One - The Early Years
Gavin Baker, brother of Trevor Baker (co-founder of Noble Cider), grew up in rural eastern North Carolina.
After high school, Gavin had originally wanted to be an architect but ended up joining the Marine Corp to raise money for college. During active duty he learned self-discipline, and the shouting in the kitchen he would later experience could never match the aggression of a drill-sergeant!
On a visit to see his brother in Asheville, Gavin decided to try a cooking class at Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College, on a whim. The moment he walked into the kitchen, he knew he had found his 'tribe'. He immediately enrolled for the next available Culinary course.
While taking courses, he subsidized college by working the early shift at Blue Moon Bakery. He learned how to bake bread there, which given his last name was very appropriate!
Upon graduation in 1999, he took his first cooking job at the Richmond Hill Inn. Moving quickly from pastry to hotline, he learned a lot from the head chef, Frank Lockertina (from Lutece NYC).
Frank recognized Gavin's passion and ability and suggested that "if you want to be taken seriously, you need to go to New York."
"OK cool, can you make an introduction for me?"
Frank came back ten minutes later and said, "OK it's all fixed. Be in New York next Tuesday."
Stay tuned for Episode Two . . .